Sunday, June 12, 2011

Creating the Ultimate Outdoor Living Space for the Summer!

Blog Week of June 12

The sun is shining and flowers are in full bloom - which means summer is a comin’! So who wants to stay indoors on a day like this?

Outdoor living areas are all the rage this summer and you are slowly running out of time to create your perfect space. Creating the ideal outdoor living space can be both an exciting and stressful project as there are a number of choices to choose from. Whether it’s an elegantly styled terrace with lounge chairs for watching the sunset or a modern outdoor kitchen complete with a counter top grill, this is one trend you’ll be happy to take part in!

Your process should begin by establishing a budget for your project. By setting aside a budget, you will be able to eliminate your range of choices to more realistic alternatives. Decide which features are most important to you and invest your funds there.

The next step is to make a plan! In order to effectively use your resources, you’ll need to come up with a plan before you break ground or even begin purchasing materials. Having a sound strategy before you begin the project ensures that you simply don’t run out of funds or determination halfway through the job. This plan should include the vision of your basic lay out as well as identifying what resources you already have to work with for your outdoor space.

The third and final step is to make it Green! Not only ‘Green’ an in eco-friendly but ‘green’ as in plant life and atmosphere. Make your outdoor space look like an indoor space to make it perfect for entertaining, but keep it green to emphasize nature. This means you need to take into consideration your lawn, plant life, and garden to add that perfect outdoor feel. Use natural lighting techniques such as candles or torches – or better yet, implement energy efficient LED lights to keep the party going all night long! Finally, put on those finishing touches by using recycled materials made from stone or wood to add to the décor!

So get ready, put on your new summer outfit, and take the fun outdoors!

One Stop Green is looking towards a ‘greener’ future, sharing the latest and greatest ideas in green living and green technology with you through our staff written blogs. Going 'green' is no longer a choice, it's our responsibility, that's why it's so important to try and do the small things that can help change the outlook of the planet - and this is essentially the purpose of One Stop Green. We believe even the little things like recycling or using less water helps the environment out in a big way, and that's why our various solutions seek to nurture and edify your home or business in an eco-friendly manner. 

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